Monday 20 February 2012

Fyrre and Magnus Live from Nolla, Helsinki

Here is a lovely new mix from our amigos in Helsinki.


1. Cortex - les oiseaux morts
2. Lara Saint Paul - So
3. Peter Green - Crying won't bring you back
4. Heidy Tamme - Lendan Välia Kuldsest
5. Jim Dawson - Saturday airplane
6. Donovan - Get Thy Bearings
7. Andy white - one way rag
8. James Last - Innercity Blues
9. Willow - evening
10. Cassiano - Onda
11. Roger Rönning - Det händer bara en gång
12. Cortex - Pauvre Star
13. City - Aus der Ferne
14. Esther Byrde - Touch Me
15. Gary Shearston - Lightkeepers of america
16. Hard Meat - Free Wheel
17. Roger Rönning - Tiden bara går
18. Odyssey -Our Lives Are Shaped
19. Family four - en häst utan namn
20. Tim Maia - Imunizacao Racional
21. Orion - I shot the sherriff
22. America - Tin Man
23. Waterman - it ain't easy
24. Can - Maru Ten
25. Caterina Caselli- L'uomo del paradiso
26. Juliette- Mon Amour
27. Shitan - Shitan
28 Francis Lai - Number One
29 Janette - Por que te vas
30 Antena - Camino Del Sol



circles & squares said...
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circles & squares said...

This is great! Only heard the Parlour-remake ("the City") of "Aus der Ferne" before. Tack!